Tuesday 13 May 2014

Barbarian with armour and weapon

I  have started to draw the outline of the body of the barbarian by looking at the posture of the model above. I wanted him to pretend to have his leg on a rock with his axe on his back. This idea was influenced by Frank Frazetta's quote in an interview

 "Frazetta has the extraordinary ability to guide the viewer’s eye by focusing and unfocusing on chosen elements within a composition. This technique creates a picture plane which mimics the focal capabilities of the human eye."

With the axe on his back, it is slightly blurred to give it that sense of uniqueness and influence from frazzetta.

With this sketch of my barbarian, I thought the barbarians muscles look rather minuscule since i was trying to exaggerate muscles that an average man cannot have. The barbarian would look more aggressive and fierce if I gave him armour.


With this image he looked much more masculine. The pose that I got from my model really captures the muscles (especially the biceps).  This is a really good pose for a barbarian but I may try out different poses with armour and weapons to see if that would effect the look of the barbarian in any way.

Here is the last picture I used to capture a barbarian. The folded swords will give a fierce look and will also make the muscles appear larger since they are pressing against the side of the barbarian ( the lats)

I have added armour to the barbarian making him appear larger, In my final piece I forced his arms together and placed two swords in his hands. This will be shown in the expedition.

Monday 12 May 2014

Final postures for a barbarian

 These are the final 3 pictures I have taken to represent my barbarian. Each one represents what a barbarian looks like. "confident" "Heroic" and  "ultimate". The picture with both silver poles will represent the weapons that the barbarian will be wielding. I will now have to sketch out a outline of what the barbarian will look like. After, I will have to detail the exaggerated muscles that the barbarian will posses and I will then add in the armour and weapons.

<-----    Chosen picture

Design of barbarian armour

Here I have the different designs for the barbarians armour. I have chosen to give him a leather armour set which is a traditional piece of clothing that barbarians have worn. The wool gives added effect to how big he can look. I have chosen to add in a slight amount of metal armour to give him the extra boost in defense which gives him a sense of toughness.

Design of Barbarian Weapons digital

I went ahead and decided to see what one of my weapon designs would look like if i drew it digitally using a tablet. The axe I created looked far too fake and smooth whereas my hand drawn weapons looked rough and vicious which represents a barbarian.
on the right side of the page, I experimented with the design and I wanted to see what the two-handed axe would look like if it was a one-handed sword. It looks easy to carry with a very sharp tooth of an animal that can be used as a sharp weapon itself. I may use this design for a future concept of one of my sketches that i previously drew.

Design of Barbarian Weapons

I have sketched 5 different versions of what my barbarians weapon could be like. Some have been inspired from the secondary images i gathered within my presentation whereas one was a weapon made of  bones. The bones have been gathered from many different creatures that the barbarian has scavenged from. This is a design that could seem rather ruthless looking. Sadly, I was not pleased with a weapon made solely off bones since it would not provide the amount of damage a metal weapon would bring. I then decided to use the design of bones and metal together.


Barbarian Presentation

In this presentation I have gathered many different primary images from barbarians armour that has been influenced from ancient armour from museums and even fan made.

I noticed that most of the armour pieces were made out of  leather and wool.

I will be using these armour types in my final piece since this is the traditional barbarian looking armour. I am able to draw extra effects to make it look more fantasy and vicious to the viewers.

Study of Muscles

From looking at Frazetta's muscles, I wanted to develop the same amount of defined muscles he has tried to use within his work.

First, I gathered secondary images from the internet of sketches of the torso and arm muscles. I then used my own technique of giving the same sketch a more defined and toned look to their muscles. Most of the bodies that I made make it look like the body has barely any body fat which is why the muscles look so defined, but one of them has a larger amount of body fat were you can barely see the muscles since there is a lot of fat covering it. Depending on the type of character I would make would depend on the body type I will use.

These body types can be included on  a barbarian which will always be in combat who has to hold an extremely heavy two handed sword / two one handed swords.

This body type can be seen on a typical Knight who is wearing light chain mail. The realistic body type can be seen on a knight who is rather athletic but may not have defined abs.

Frank frazetta's work

I have been studying Frazetta's work and I have noticed that most of his figures that he has painted have very defined and toned muscles. I researched and in an interview he quotes 

"He was a connoisseur of physicality, of athleticism, of the human body in extremist. He was extremely athletic himself in his youth and, I think, loved it at least as much as he loved drawing and painting"

With his fascination for athleticism he carried it onto his work of art. I am heavily inspired with his range of armour and weaponary he uses on his characters which I want to try to use in my own way with my final piece that I will create.

Brief of what my Character could be based upon.

With me working on many different genres of game characters e.g, 8-bit (pixel) characters, anime, fantasy. I came up with the conclusion that I will make my future work be based upon Fantasy game characters. The reason I chose this genre is because I can  use primary images from the real world of people and develop them into a character that could be created with many different variations.  I am heavily interested in designing Armour and weaponry with my character.  Final the most interesting part is changing the posture of the character into an exaggerated look for example, muscles that can not be obtained by an average human, but looks extremely impressive as a concept art for a game.

I recently found an artist who has developed there skill into creating fantasy game characters for comics and books. His name is Frank Frazetta.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Furthur work with Postures and digital editing (draft)

In these images I have drawn the outline of the  model because it would define the posture so I could see if it created a strong silhouette. This is because a super hero I feel needs an exaggerated posture to magnify their strengths. Once I have identified a posture which looks like the character has strength and conveys personality, then I will  be able to work on the interior aspects such as costume or surface decoration to again enhance the personality.

I took these two images to elaborate more on the images that i had taken before of the modeler in a fighting position. The posture could of  been exaggerated by using  the other half of the body, which i have done now. By showing the legs separated with one behind the other, it gives him movement as if he is about to leap and  attack.

To improve on this more I told him to separate his legs further and to drag his hands out more to give a bigger sense of movement.

To conclude, These postures can be used  for a fantasy character since  these postures can be used on a character that is charging to battle with a weapon in his right hand. or a character who is standing on a rock looking over his army in a heroic / brave pose.

Primary images that demonstrates posture

I have taken pictures of a classmate in different poses. The poses in these four images show ways that the positioning of the body can show different emotions. furthermore it can also demonstrate how the posture can give characteristics.

 With the posture given here, his hands are clenched and his shoulders and arms are tensed. This gives the impression of anger and / or the impression of him giving fear to the person in front of him.

In this image he's head is  held high and his leg raised up. This can represent pride and bravery.

This image show his arms clenched and his upper body leaning forward. This gives the impression of a person in a fighting position. 

To improve on these pictures I can give the model to exaggerate the postures used since that will also exaggerate their characteristics.