Tuesday 7 January 2014

Furthur work with Postures and digital editing (draft)

In these images I have drawn the outline of the  model because it would define the posture so I could see if it created a strong silhouette. This is because a super hero I feel needs an exaggerated posture to magnify their strengths. Once I have identified a posture which looks like the character has strength and conveys personality, then I will  be able to work on the interior aspects such as costume or surface decoration to again enhance the personality.

I took these two images to elaborate more on the images that i had taken before of the modeler in a fighting position. The posture could of  been exaggerated by using  the other half of the body, which i have done now. By showing the legs separated with one behind the other, it gives him movement as if he is about to leap and  attack.

To improve on this more I told him to separate his legs further and to drag his hands out more to give a bigger sense of movement.

To conclude, These postures can be used  for a fantasy character since  these postures can be used on a character that is charging to battle with a weapon in his right hand. or a character who is standing on a rock looking over his army in a heroic / brave pose.

Primary images that demonstrates posture

I have taken pictures of a classmate in different poses. The poses in these four images show ways that the positioning of the body can show different emotions. furthermore it can also demonstrate how the posture can give characteristics.

 With the posture given here, his hands are clenched and his shoulders and arms are tensed. This gives the impression of anger and / or the impression of him giving fear to the person in front of him.

In this image he's head is  held high and his leg raised up. This can represent pride and bravery.

This image show his arms clenched and his upper body leaning forward. This gives the impression of a person in a fighting position. 

To improve on these pictures I can give the model to exaggerate the postures used since that will also exaggerate their characteristics.