Tuesday 8 October 2013

8-Bit Super Mario Bros Response.

I created a response to the 8-bit mushroom used in Super Mario Bros using TILES. The reason i recreated this image is to understand how such a small amount of pixels can create an image. 

The problems with using tiles is they are difficult to keep still  so the image can not be exactly like the original, unless it is glued onto the surface. Also there was not enough black tiles so i had to substitute them with brown tiles. The pattern i used gives it a unique effect that brings out the outline of the mushroom.

I had gained inspiration from and artist called Invader who creates characters from the video game 'space invaders'. He uses mosaic tiles to create the work. Invader focuses mainly on Space invaders were I  branched out towards doing a response to a Red Mushroom from 'Super Mario Bros'.

1 comment:

  1. Make sure you mention the artist Invader as an influence. You could also include an image of his work and a link to further information, such as an artist/gallery website
